


“Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius-and a lot of courage-to move in the opposite direction.” ~Albert Einstein

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Email (forwarded by Adam)

(This was in a email to my family.)

I am doing well with training and host family. They are one father (Methet,40yrs, bricklayer), one mother (Margerita,39,housewife), one son (Lulezim,15,middleschooler), and one daughter (Mimoza,11,middleschooler). They are very kind and like myself kind of stand offish so we get along very well. Comm is sometimes difficult, but gesturing, smiles, and poliety do wonders. the country is quite poor, but it is growing rapidly, i can def. forsee in near future with reliable energy, health, and municipal infrastructure albania will be able to bring in more money and prosper with the rest of europe.

The food is bland, yet very rich. My family has 2 cows, chickens, a turkey, and a donkey. Everything, and I mean litterally, EVERYTHING, I have been eating spare for the store bought pasta and meat is grown/procured at the premises. I've been eating beef/veal, chicken, eggs boiled and fried, pasta, bread, tomatoes, oranges, apples, salad, yougurt, cheese (also made on site), beans, and a form of coffee cake. I've been eating well and if anything will be gaining weight while in treaining as They feed me so much. Also, i drink turcish coffee all day and in the morning, as is albanian custom, drink expresso and raki (100proof liguer in shot glass) with my host father.

My host family has satelite tv and watches BIG BROTHER all of the time. I have not had a cigarette since march 16th (date I left the USA), and am ok with that.


Blogger Alyssa said...

Yay! I'm glad everything is going well. Keep updating when you can! I'm really intrigued now, and I need some juicy stuff about Albania to tell all my friends. ;-)

PS: That's really admirable that you gave up smoking too.

April 6, 2008 at 3:55 PM  

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